About My Team Magic
They can’t know what they haven’t learned.
Halacha needs to be taught. History needs to be taught. And so do People Skills.
Mrs Miller could not believe what she was hearing.
Because there is a solution!
With proven and research-backed methods, the program she created, My Team Magic, strategically and proactively addresses the issue of social isolation and bullying in the elementary classroom setting.
Not just ‘any anti-bullying’ program.
My Team Magic is the only solution your school needs to become the place where every student feels accepted
Community Building
With proven and research-backed methods, the program she created, My Team Magic, strategically and proactively addresses the issue of social isolation and bullying in the elementary classroom setting.
Long-term Impact
At My Team Magic, we are passionate about making a lasting impact on children’s lives. By empowering them with the skills and mindset necessary for long-term social, emotional and mental well-being, this program will affect the way they approach every social encounter throughout their lives.
Why wait for the classroom tension to begin? Bringing My Team Magic into your classroom will equip your students with the social and emotional tools they need BEFORE children’s lives are crushed. Get it to them before the toxic behavior has a chance to appear in your classroom.
Our commitment to delivering measurable results means that we stay around long after ‘the official program ends.’ With Zoom Teacher Training and phone support, we will still be there to answer your questions, ensuring that every student experiences positive changes in their social dynamics as a result of the program.
Teachers, principals and students have reported noticing an immediate change in the environment in Team Magic classrooms. The lessons and activities are designed to actively involve all the students in the process of creating cohesive comradery. A shift in student dynamics takes place as students learn to more openly express themselves using their newly acquired skills. For the best results, this program requires completion of the entire curriculum.
Any teacher can be trained to implement Team Magic. However, teachers who have the following basic characteristics are most effective at facilitating Team Magic : optimistic, caring, upbeat and have the belief that all children can learn to be respectful and empathic.
Ideally, Team Magic’s 13 units designed to be implemented in 30-40 minute weekly segments over a span of 26 weeks.
Every child in the classroom benefits from Team Magic, not just the bullied but also the bullying! Both types of children need the social-emotional-learning skills that Team Magic teaches. It transforms the classroom into a community-building project where everyone learns how to respect each other and resolve their conflicts proactively. My workshop for school staff and parents is entitled, “From Bully to Friend”, because that is exactly the goal: to teach students the skills to get along with everybody.
Team Magic is designed for grades 2-7.
Team Magic classroom packages and Professional Development packages are eligible for Title Funding and other school grants.
Bringing the magic to you
With My Team Magic, the classroom becomes a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
Students that feel unsafe at school have a hard time learning. As a teacher, every student in your classroom should be able to learn – without feeling threatened by her peers.
Invite the magic into your home.
Mrs. Miller’s Magic Parent Workshops educate
parents about the nuances of social/ emotional
education. Parents come out empowered and with clarity on dealing effectively with the social conflicts their children face – whether in school,
camp, or at home.
Invite the magic into your school.